Part 36: Refugees Recap
Previously on Myth III
We saved the villagers of the Twelve Duns, and lead them back to the safety of Llancarfan.
Eeeeehhhh...not a big fan of this level. Ravanna isn't much fun to play as, and even less when she's surrounded by something you have to protect. With Forgotten, Soulless and Wights around, it does play like a more traditional Myth level, but then the escort gimmick rears its ugly head and kind ruins that. The good news is that this is the last level I can point to and call 'bland'.

Game film:

The archers I lost were Xiahou Dun, DeltaOmega, Wanamingo; the Berserk lost wasn't yet named after anyone (Thiudimir). With more careful management, I believe a no casualty run is certainly possible. The Wight near the end that seemingly exploded for no reason was killed by Zebrin, the archer I left to guard the bridge. "The last soulless" at 14:50 of the video was actually half killed by Zebrin as well. I only saw this on the game film, but five soulless pass right by Zebrin on the way to attack the main group. Zebrin cheekily damages one of them as the soulless pass by. Those soulless could have easily turned and murdered Zebrin, but I got lucky there, they were too focused on attacking the main group to worry about one archer. Nothing too fancy to add to the kill image, only a note that I'm uploading them as jpgs now because the pngs are half a meg.

Well you know this video will feature Wights and terribleness and bugs. I've never experienced anything like the sound effects going away glitch in the main video in Myth before.

Twelve Dun Clansmen
I wanted to mention this in the main video, but forgot. So we're glad that Berserks are back - but it makes no sense why they're there. Why are Gower Berserks defending The Twelve Duns, half the map away? Turns out there are two types of Berserks in the game files - Gower and Twelve Dun Berserks. This mission was obviously supposed to have the latter, but put Gower Berserks in instead. The only difference between the two as far as I can tell is the flavor text. I fear it may play havoc on unit veterancy however...
"...when asked what the markings on his body meant, Thorum held aloft his arm and said, 'Strength of Bear'. He pointed to his heart and said 'Anger of Ancestors'. He pointed to his sides and said, 'Breath of Whale'. I asked what 'Breath of Whale' meant and was met with a scowl. 'If the Grey Ship sails without me, I will swim to the battle-land myself'..."
"...the area of the Twelve Duns has been home to many races throughout time, but is now settled by human clans. Settlers made their homes in the forested hills, fleeing the horrors of the Myrkridia. They fell prey to barbaric raiders who traveled by sea and pillaged their coastal towns. When the Myrkridia finally spread into their new homeland, the two groups sought mutual protection, and thus the Twelve Duns were born..."
Llancarfan villagers
They're bluer than normal villagers, and first show up in the Training Camp video I skipped over. Kind of doesn't make sense why they're here either, since they're not (yet) from Llancarfan.
"...'Nuthun kin get bah dees walls', the peasant grinned as he patted the massive city wall. 'Nossir, da wind kin blow and da world kin rumble, but dees walls will be standin til the end of time!' It was then that a more sober neighbor mumbled, 'But what if what we fear is inside these walls?'"
" care in the world did they have. Within their fortress walls, they believed that the outside world was simply not a place for civilized people. As long as the food supplies ran steadily in from the Downs, as long as their army patrolled the outskirts of their lands, they were content in letting the strife of the world remain outside their walls..."
Next time on Myth III
Using the remains of the Rod of the Callieach, Connacht asks Traval of the Smiths of Muirthemne to craft a new artifact that will help him deal with the Trow - The SunHammer. However on the way to The Smith's Forge to acquire the SunHammer, other forces intervene that threaten to tear Llancarfan apart from within.